

Natal chart reading

Natal chart reading

Natal chart readings is where the natives time of birth location of birth and birthday (with year) are utilized to cast a chart, (birth chart) as it corresponds to the astronomical placement of planets and stars positions at this very moment in time. A Snapshot of the stars in alignment with your birth place, time, birth day and year. A professional astrologer then interrupts the energies presented in the chart and how it makes up your personality and life experiences.

Transit reading

Transit reading

Transit readings are utilizing your birth chart (natal chart) and comparing it to the current movements of planetary bodies. From there an astrologer can give the native insight into the current or future circumstances, experiences or themes that potentially can manifest in a natives life.

Synastry reading

Synastry reading

Synastry readings are taking two clients personal natal charts (birth charts) and comparing them to each other to see the quality and the energy dynamics and how they fuse together or constrict. It is basically a compatibility reading that an astrologer is advising for the clients.

Past life readings

Past life readings

A past life reading is conducted by an astrologer by looking at specific points, placements of specific planets in a natives natal chart and utilizing skilled techniques to identify past life energies that are inherited in the current incantation & or patterns related to 12th house themes.

Child astrology readings

Child astrology readings

These readings are done identical to natal chart readings in obtaining a birth chart for the child however read in hypothetical interpretations and keeping in consideration pivotal points in life where personality changes can & will occur due to maturation.

Coming soon

Coming soon

Cardology Readings, Tarot & Human Design